What Is UBIT and How Does It Affect Self-Directed IRA Investments?
UBIT is a hefty tax that can penalize up to 37% of your investment account on business income! There must be two hurdles that your SDIRA investment must overcome to be exempt from paying UBIT. First hurdle: Is the income passive? I know that you may have heard a sponsor or GP claim that their investment is passive, that you, as an investor, do not have to “do anything,” i.e., passive. While that may be true of your personal time, energy, or effort, UBIT does not consider you; it considers the SDIRA. Is the invested capital “doing anything”? That’s the question.
How to Beat REIT’s and Syndications with Blue Bay Fund
Investing in real estate investment loans work the same way, but the borrowers are investors, not homeowners, and you play the role of the banker. Your loan is secured by investment properties, providing a layer of protection while you earn interest without managing properties yourself.
The real estate investor is now the one who is responsible and liable to pay the taxes, insurance, and your monthly payments. The real estate investor has to deal with the three big “T’s” of RE Investing; Tenants, Termites, and Taxes!
How To Use A Personal Capital Retirement Calculator?
Unsurprisingly, finances are a top priority for people approaching retirement age. Knowing how much you need to retire comfortably and confidently is extremely important. Yet, it can be challenging, as inflation and the increase in the cost of living will quickly erode your ability to retire. So, how can you address your concerns effectively and efficiently?
What is a Self-Direct IRA, and What are the Benefits?
What exactly is a self-directed IRA? Self-directed IRAs (SDIRA) give owners complete control over retirement funds and investing decisions. These plans can use alternative investments, like real estate, to create diversity and build retirement wealth.
Why mortgage backed securities rates are important
Investing in mortgages can be challenging, especially when it comes to gaining liquidity. Luckily, Blue Bay Fund has a unique solution that will help its partners overcome this challenge. Our fund allows partners to buy a slice of a mortgage or the entire mortgage and list their purchased slice(s) for sale to other fund partners at par value.