7005 Westshore Blvd. Tampa, FL

I underwrote and made this loan in about three weeks. I then allowed my partners to participate in this loan while earning 8.5% annually on their money. The borrower was an experienced investor who we had completed several projects with. Every month the borrower paid Bleu Bay Capital, and I, in turn, paid each partner investor every month. Some investors withdrew their earnings while others, reinvested those distributions into other loans.

Sold: $319,000.00

3 Bds | 2 Ba | 1337 Sqft

  • This was a 1st position loan to a repeat borrower. They had the team and the experience to move through the project, however, like many projects that had loans on them during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, the city permitting department was seriously delayed. This forced the borrower to request an extension to our loan which we gladly allowed, as they paid interest on time. This project went close to 18 months but every month the partners received monthly payments and they shared in the extension points when the loan was paid back.

  • 1st Pos. Loan Amt = $210,000

    Min. Slice Amt = $2,100

    Partner Rate = 8.50% APR

    Monthly Int. = $1,487.50

    Loan Term = 9 months

    Extension Term = 9 months

    Extension Pts = $4,200

    Actual Term = 18 months

    Annualized Yield = 9.83% APY

If you are interested in learning more about how I and my partners structure our investments and, most importantly, how to mitigate your risks and cover your downside, then join my Investor Club for FREE!


107 West Warren Ave. Tampa, FL


703 East Broad St. Tampa, FL