Do You Need a License To Be a Private Lender in Florida?
It is a hard balance to generate passive income from private mortgage investing yet at the same time maintain the freedom of time you are looking for. One of the best ways for an investor seeking passive income via passive investing is to invest through a company like Blue Bay Fund, which allows us to handle all the trouble of running a private lending business.
What Passive Investments Generate Passive Income?
Where can you find these types of passive investments? You can research online for debt funds, as well as crowdfunding sites to invest in loans. You can also visit your local real estate clubs and network with active investors and builders to finance their projects. However, in most cases, you must have all the money the borrower requests to make the loan. Does the investor need $1M to build a new SFR house? Well, you need $1M in cash to be able to make the loan. If you invest through a crowdfunding platform, you may be able to invest in a slice of a loan, but you cannot research and conduct your due diligence on that loan. You have to invest “blindly” into these crowdfunding loans, trusting that the crowdfund manager properly underwrote each loan and mitigated the risks appropriately
Top 3 Alternative Investment Myths
Alternative investments have gained popularity in recent years as people seek diversification and potentially higher returns outside the stock market.
However, several myths and misconceptions often surround these non-traditional investment options, leading to hesitation and skepticism. Let’s debunk some common myths about alternative investments and shed light on the realities.
What is a Self-Direct IRA, and What are the Benefits?
What exactly is a self-directed IRA? Self-directed IRAs (SDIRA) give owners complete control over retirement funds and investing decisions. These plans can use alternative investments, like real estate, to create diversity and build retirement wealth.
Why mortgage backed securities rates are important
Investing in mortgages can be challenging, especially when it comes to gaining liquidity. Luckily, Blue Bay Fund has a unique solution that will help its partners overcome this challenge. Our fund allows partners to buy a slice of a mortgage or the entire mortgage and list their purchased slice(s) for sale to other fund partners at par value.
Why investing in mortgage notes can protect your investments?
Investing in private mortgage notes through Blue Bay Fund can be an attractive option for investors seeking diversity, simplicity, passive income, and monthly cash flow. My user-friendly platform, combined with the reduced risk and exposure associated with mortgage-backed investments, makes it a compelling choice for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio while enjoying the benefits of consistent cash flow.