Education, Cigars Whiskey and Capital Journal Edwin D Epperson III Education, Cigars Whiskey and Capital Journal Edwin D Epperson III

Investment Consideration 2: Investment Markets

You should then determine which market you will be investing in. Now, most people will scratch their heads and say, “Edwin, are you talking about the Stock Market or the Real Estate Market?” In the world of sophisticated investors, we understand that there are THREE markets you can invest in. Yes THREE. While the general public understands the term “Market” refers to the Stock Market, I want to expand and deepen your understanding. Think of each of these Markets as an “umbrella” and under these umbrellas there will be different primary assets, sub-assets, and strategies to invest in these markets.

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Education, Cigars Whiskey and Capital Journal Edwin D Epperson III Education, Cigars Whiskey and Capital Journal Edwin D Epperson III

5 Considerations To Make and Understand Before Passive Investing

I believe that education is critical. Knowledge and awareness of these 5 categories will go a long way in helping you truly diversify your investments, stay ahead of the investing cycles, and be able to pivot when one strategy or market begins to turn. Over the next five blogs, I will deep-dive into each category (to the best of my ability) and lay some groundwork for you so that you can elevate your investing game, make wiser, more informed decisions, and truly become sophisticated with your investments.

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